Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Download Photoshop CS6 Portable

Perangkat lunak AdobePhotoshop CS6 Extended memberikan kemampuan lebih untuk menyempurnakan retouching gambar gambar lukisan pilihan yg realistis dan ekstrusi3D yg sudah lebih di sempurnakan. dengan suport 64-bit maka kinerja akan semakin ngacir sob. dan salah satu kelebihanya kita bisa lebih Mudah memilih elemen gambaryang rumit seperti rambut ketika kita melakukan proses pengeditan. Tampilannya juga uda berbeda lho sob dibandingkan versi-versi sebelumnya, pada photoshop Cs 6 ini tampilannya makin keren dan ramah lingkungan.heheehe.. Pokoknya makin oke aja sob... boleh di coba kayaknya ya sob... jika tertarik silahkan di klik aja link downloadnya di bawah ini.

Minimum System Requirements :
2GHz or faster processor
Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3, Windows® Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 2, Windows® Vista® 64-bit or Windows® 7
1GB of RAM or more recommended
1GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (Photoshop CS5.1 cannot be installed on flash-based storage devices.)
1,024x768 display (1,280x800 recommended) with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL® graphics card, 16-bit color and 256MB VRAM
DVD-ROM drive
Some 3D features in Adobe Photoshop Extended require an OpenGL 2.0 capable graphics card with at least 256MB of VRAM (512MB VRAM is recommended)
Shader Model 3.0
Some features in Bridge rely on DirectX9 capable graphics card with at least 128MB of VRAM
QuickTime 7.4.5 required for multimedia features
Broadband Internet connection required for online services

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